Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hero of the Summer

Tomorrow is the very last day of Summer break, so I'm feeling sentimental.  I have a tan for the first time in years because of all the time I've been spending at the pool.  Kids are doing chores around my house. Everyone is getting gold stars at piano for actually practicing.  It's my best dream come true, and of course I'd  like to take all the credit.  After all, I work pretty hard, right?  

Well, actually, I can't claim Hero of the Summer status because there is another, much more deserving person who has made all the fun possible:  It's Alli!  She is like 9 going on 18 this year.  While I was putting my feet up to catch some sun, she was playing "sharkey in a basket" and letting her sisters play lifeguard while she pretended to be hurt.  She was the one who constructed complicated Polly Pocket games to entertain her sisters all afternoon and walked Annie down to the culdesac to ride her bike.  After, let's say, 100 hours of kid play this summer, Alli deserves a certificate in conflict resolution and recreation management.

I love hearing her say things like, "Oh, look!  You want this toy, not that one," while deftly intervening in a fight.  It makes my day. What would I do without someone to turn on the TV show, help Maddie practice piano, help cook a meal, or even put Annie to bed?  She's amazing! 

Even more amazing is what a lovely young lady she's turning into.  It seems like just yesterday she was a baby.  I used to think it was so annoying when adults said that.  I was in a hurry to grow up while they seemed to want me to stay small forever.  It probably dates me, but I've joined the slow camp.  I wish I could pause time for a bit and keep her forever!  I know I can't though, and I'm excited for all that lies ahead.  

Yesterday we talked about some big ideas about the world, and it was cute to see her give her opinion. I felt lucky to hear her thoughts.  She has a lot to give this world, and I'm humbled to spend these precious years with her before she takes it by storm.

Thanks, Alli, for making this summer so great.  You are my hero!

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